
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Movie Guys Podcast-Dune (2021)
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Thursday Nov 04, 2021
Do you have to be a hardcore sci-fi fan to love Dune? Jordan thinks so and Eric does not. Dune is a movie that have a long story and many characters. Some of which are hard to follow. This episode was crazy fun to record and we know you all will enjoy it as well. Download now to hear what we think of Dune.

Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Movie Guys Podcast-Malignant
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
Thursday Sep 30, 2021
We decided that Malignant is either a small bag of popcorn or a large bag of popcorn. A movie like Malignant is asking us to do that because a medium bag of popcorn just can't cut it (no pun intended). This movie is asking for a lot so the question is do we give into what it is asking? Another question would be is James Wan it? is he the new great horror director of our generation?
Trust us when we say that you don't want to miss out on this episode. We had an amazing time recording it and we can't wait for everyone to hear what we think of Malignant.

Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Movie Guys Podcast-The Suicide Squad
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Finally we got a great movie here with The Suicide Squad. This is what the original should have been. James Gunn brought us not only a fun and entertaining film but an amazing superhero/villain film as well. As you can tell we really like the new Suicide Squad. However we don't want to spoiler anything here. So download the episode now to hear what we think of The Suicide Squad.

Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Movie Guys Podcast- Space Jam: A New Legacy
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Everybody get up it's time to slam now. We got a real jam going down. Welcome to the Space Jam, here's your chance do your dance at the Space Jam.....Alright
That is the movie we wanted and not the movie we got. Space Jam A New Legacy does not even come close to the original. Which is sad because there are good moments in this that if done right could of made a really fun movie. It was no surprise that Lebron James can't act, by the way he even says that in the movie so that was funny.
The main villain's motivation really does not make any sense and why did all the toons leave the toon world? If you are a 90's kid and grew up with the original Space Jam. Then you must check this movie out if for anything it's cool to see the toons back together again.
Download this episode to hear what our popcorn ratings are for Space Jam: A New Legacy

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Movie Guys Podcast- The Conjuring 3 The Devil Made Me Do It
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Well the Conjuring series has finally jumped the shark! What happened to this franchise? This movie is all over the place with a horrible plot full of holes. We do not have anything really nice to say about this new chapter in the Conjuring universe but you do want to download this episode because we go deep with theory. Download now to hear what we think Conjuring 3.

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Movie Guys Podcast-Mortal Kombat (2021)
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
You would not believe the hype for Eric and Jordan leading up to this new Mortal Kombat. Movie Guys has been following everything and now we are excited to deliver our review of Mortal Kombat. Does the new characters add anything new to the universe? Why did the writers decided to add in characters from later games? Is this the Mortal Kobmat we really wanted? Well download now to find out which side you are on.

Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Movie Guys Podcast-Godzilla VS Kong
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
We are finally here everyone! Godzilla VS Kong! Who will win? Well not the host of Movie Guys Podcast because this movie was not a knockout. Is this a Kong movie with Godzilla just in it? We have do many questions and we want answers. Download now to hear what Eric and Jordan think of Godzilla VS Kong.

Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Movie Guys Podcast- The Little Things
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
This movie is not Se7en!! Do you hear us, please internet do not compare this movie to the classic Se7en! Ok with that out of the way Eric and Jordan go into a deep dive reviewing The Little Things. Download now and let us know if you agree with our review.